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Our Services
About us

Commercial and Marketing Development

Promote and market your products, develop your network and establish fruitful relationships with your resellers, representatives and customers.

We help you to market effectively your products and services, while build successful relationships with your local partners.

    Marketing and Promotion
    We provide ongoing and comprehensive support in communication, operational marketing and public relations to strengthen your products and brands or your company's positioning.

    Business development
    Identification of potential customers, creation of new contacts and prospects, penetration of your products on the market, research for distribution channels and partners, introduction to third-party suppliers.

    Our services in brief
    • Prospecting targeted customers
    • Commercial and operational monitoring on the ground
    • Animation and deployment of your commercial networks
    • Provision of a dedicated local manager
    • Management and administration of your sales, order tracking
    • Actions / Consumers and products tests

Some examples of support in sales and marketing development

Schneider Elelctric : Organization of several periodic and thematic seminars with partners, resellers and players in the energy and IT infrastructure sector in Senegal, to update knowledge on Schneider Elelctric products and present new products.
World Initiative for Soy in Human Health : Member of the USDA, WISHH's mission is to create business opportunities for US soybean suppliers. We accompanied him in the strategy, marketing and development of markets for soy flour and soy proteins, towards the general consumers, professionals, local authorities, schools, hospitals...
Procter & Gamble : Boost et Market actions
. Promotion of Pampers and Always products
. Animation of Points Of Sale
. Prospects and consumers Direct Marketing actions, mobile stand.
Nestlé Senegal : identification and organization of consumer tests and surveys. Home visits and consumers interviews, product testing and information gathering, direct user impact studies...