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Real Estate Retreat Plan

Ajouté le : 2015-06-06 06:11:58
Fournisseur : Alliance Africaines d'Assuranc (Ivory Coast)
Insurance Real Estate

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I am Commercial for Sunu Group and its Subsidiary African Life Insurance Alliance. I'm coming to you, make an appointment to talk to you about our PRIMMO real estate offer. Indeed, you can own a house in ten years of contribution. However after two years of contributions you have to pay 20% of the total amount is 24 months. You pay at your own pace. This represents the initial contribution. After the two years you have the choice between, * Recover your capital with a minimum rate of 3.5% per year, * Enter your house if you opt for one of our promotions and the balance is paid in the form of lease until that the contract reaches its end ie 10 years, * Present a real estate project that will be financed by 3A-life (other real estate promotions or valuation of your land). In the event of death or total disability, your beneficiaries

Autres infos sur le produit

En effet, vous avez 10 ans pour solder votre habiter Vous pouvez présenter un projet immobilier qui sera financé par la 3A-vie Apres 2 ans vous habiter votre maison que vous payez sous forme de location-vente. En cas de deces , Votre famille a le choix entre votre capital investi ou recuperer la maison que vous habitiez .

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